We offer a high-quality service, undertaking numerous asset inspections throughout the year on a wide range of structures, ranging from bridges, gantries, retaining walls, masts and culverts.
It is important to undertake inspections to check that the structure remains fit for purpose; managed in such a way that it continues to be available for use by traffic permitted for the route. As well as safe for use; managed in a way that the structure does not pose a risk to public safety.
The cyclical inspection process gathers information on a structure in respect of defects and can record deterioration over time whilst populating the history of the asset. Eng-Tech Consulting carry out asset inspections in accordance with CS 450 (formerly BD63); The Inspection of Highway Structures and carry out regular inspections and reporting of structures with the following appropriate regimes:
Principal Inspections at 6, 8, 10 or 12 year intervals depending on the risk assessment of IAN 171 or CS450 – This inspection requires a close (within touching distance) tactile inspection of all necessary parts of the structure, utilising required access equipment.
General Inspections 2 yearly – This consists of a visual inspection of all external parts of the structure.
Special Inspections – A special inspection may be required for the following reasons:
- To investigate a specific problem that has been found
- Structures that are weight restricted, cast iron or have been subject to impact or fire damage
- Before and after the passage of abnormally heavy loads on a structure which may have been proved sub-standard by calculation.
We can also offer inspection utilizing the latest drone technology to inspect structures where traditional methods of inspection are dangerous or are not cost effective..